亲爱的朋友们: 感谢您长期不断的支持我们的工作,为有需要的一群献出爱心。 2009年开启,金融危机促使全球人民忧心忡忡。然而此刻,我们带着沉重的心情为您带来这项消息。 每一天,“无声海啸”扼杀了近1万4千名儿童的性命。而这场灾难的作始俑者为全球粮食危机。 全球粮食的物价高涨使每天仅以RM3.50维生的人们苦苦挣扎求存。根据世界银行的估计,截至去年为止,粮食的价钱已加倍高涨,近一亿人口被推入赤贫深渊。 我们都拥有能力做出改变。 我们正在寻找有能力、创意、尽责及愿意与贫困一群站在同一阵线的热心人士,透过自身的影响力来呼召更多人加入对抗贫穷行列。 组织饥饿30 DIY营会,成为营长,世界宣明会将提供所需的教育材料及培训。 诚邀您加入:齐心赶走“饿”势力,You've got the power! 请游览 http://www.worldvision.com.my/famine2009/ 报名成为DIY饥饿30营长! 除了自组营会,成为营员,也请您把这个消息传出去,告诉你的亲朋好友:饥饿三十开跑了!! 谢谢! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Friend, Thank you for supporting our work amongst children and families in need. We write to you with a heavy heart as a “silent tsunami” is snuffing out the lives of 14,000 children every day. People who were living on less than RM3.50 a day are struggling to survive because of rising food prices. The World Bank estimates that food prices have doubled over the last year and 100 million people are at risk of being driven into abject poverty. Each of us has the power to make a difference. We’re looking for capable, creative and conscientious individuals who want to make their mark against poverty and are able to energise a whole group of people to do the same. Training and materials will be provided. We humbly urge you to make a difference today. Please go to http://www.worldvision.com.my/famine2009/ and sign up as a DIY Camp Leader! Or, join a DIY Camp and help us spread the word. You've got the power!